La Passion Du Sanguinaire

Coming to Conclusions : A series of smutty short stories co-written with Tania

Proof - Post Damage. Rehab and help. Spoilers for AtS Season 5. Angel/Spike, NC-17.

Spoils - Post Destiny. To the victor go the spoils. Spoilers for AtS Season 5. Angel/Spike, NC-17.

Splinters - Post Soul Purpose. Another night, another case for the champions of the people. Spoilers for AtS Season 5. Angel/Spike, NC-17.

Shades of Red: Passion - Post Passion. Obsession comes in many modes and colours. Spoilers for BtVS Season 2. Angel/Spike, NC-17.

Speechless - Post Lovers Walk. There's none so deaf... Spoilers for BtVS Season 2. Spike/Angel/?, R

Dead Wait - Post Dead Things. Sometimes a change is as good as a rest. Spoilers for BtVS Season 6 and AtS Season 3. Angel/Spike, NC17.

Shell Shocked - Post Shells. Healing comes in many guises. Spoilers for AtS Season 5. Spike/Angel, NC-17.

See No Evil, Speak No Evil - Post Hush. Silence is golden. Spoilers for BtVS, Season 4. Spike/Angel, NC-17.

Oblation - Post School Hard. Dealing with the devil. Spoilers for BtVS Season 2. Spike/Angel, NC-17.

Welter - Post There's no Place Like Plrtz Glrb. Willow didn't drive herself to LA. Spike/Angel, NC-17.

Planetesimal - Post A Hole in the World. Airplane smut and Greek gods. Spoilers for AtS Season 5. Spike/Angel, NC-17.

Promethean Quadrille - Post In the Dark. What exactly constitutes punishment? The boys seem to disagree. Spoilers for AtS Season 1. Spike/Angel, NC-17.

Afflictions - Post Pangs. Vamp siting and experimentation. Spoilers for BtVS Season 4. Spike/Angel, NC-17.

Lacuna - Post The Initiative. A gap, blank space or missing part. We all have Lacunas to fill. Spoilers for BtVS Season 4. Spike/Angel, NC-17.